Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Church and the Economy

When economic times are tight, you can tell what a church's priorities are by the programs and services they cut. If a church is eliminating programs for the children, youth and needy, but are retaining the "bling" for the pastor -- e.g., jets, helicopters, high-end cars, expensive vacations -- then they've missed the meaning of Christianity.

The children and youth represent tomorrow, our future.  In these times when Satan is busy trying to capture the souls and minds of our children with low moral standards and material excess, the church is needed more than ever.  In addition, the government can do only so much for those in need.  It is the church's charge to fill the gap.

Jesus set the example.  He could have ridden in a chariot or a camel with eight "armor bearers" surrounding him, keeping the people at bay.  Instead, he rode on a donkey, surrounded by the people, so he could tend to and address their needs.

The church is the body -- it is all of us.  But if we are following leadership that is misguided, then we are individually to blame.  We need to recommit ourselves to the original tenets of Christianity:  Love God, love your fellow man, keep the commandments, win souls for Christ.


  1. Love that last line: Love GOD, love man and keep the ten commandments and win souls over for Jesus. That's it. I'm good. :)

  2. So true Gwen! In short, return to our first love. Go back and do the first works, with passion and focus on the main things. Rekindle the Fire! Thank you for sharing.

  3. You put the issue so succinctly. But, the emphasis should be placed on the accountability of the Body or more accurate the lack thereof. They do not want to hold the pastor accountable so by default they will not be held to a higher standard or accountability.
